Wednesday, 1 August 2012

August vacation

Hey, everyone!  I just want to let you know that there will be no meeting on August 8th as our meeting space at the Strathcona Library is being taken over by the Fringe Festival for the month of August. 

We will meet on August 22nd, though, for a Proust movie night.  We will watch Swann in Love at Brad's house, so please get in touch if you need his address.  After that, we will be back to our regular meeting schedule at our regular meeting location.  We just finished discussing Sodom and Gomorrah at the last meeting so continue on with volume five, The Captive.  Or The Prisoner, depending on which translation you have.

See you later!


  1. I am heartbroken!! I will be in Victoria the last two weeks in August so will miss the film night. I told you I'd be gone then !If I were Marcel I would brood about this for the next six months and write at least 500 pages about it, but no: I will rise above it and try to cope as best I can. I know I will be unable to eat or sleep for days and will probably take to my bed but I will survive (maybe).
    I liked the article. I too, tried to share my excitement when I finished the last volume but all I got was blank looks and shrugs, and a suggestion that I try to get out more.

  2. Haha! Yes, this could be a life-altering event for you. And the whole reason that I started this reading group is because after finishing the novel, I wanted to talk to someone about it but no one I knew had read it. So there you go!
